More clients are talking about finding sleep more difficult as we approach this winter solstice time of year. Other discussions have involved how difficult it can be to get to bed at night and then get up in the morning again.
There is now research (Takahashi et al) which suggests variation in ability to produce melatonin is a genetic factor in people with ADHD. That melatonin production is stimulated by light and darkness. It seems to make sense that this time of year, when light levels are low, natural melatonin production would be compromised. Circadian rhythms getting more out of kilter than for the neurotypical.
Melatonin can be prescribed for children in the UK, when sleep hygiene fails. I imagine this depends on diagnosis. The back log in diagnosis for children and adults leaves this as an open difficulty for many.
When coupled with sensory sensitivity, which can impact digestion, hormonal activity and sensitivity to fabrics, labels, elastic, you name it….sleep can be hard to come by.
I, among many, look forward to more becoming known about this. If you have the opportunity to advocate for people with this sensory difference please do. In the meantime, seeking quiet rhythms and using what natural light we have to help enhance those seems a plan. Go gently.
Takahashi et al “Association between genetic risk of melatonin secretion and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,”
