Many will be aware that ADHD and Autism seem to be bursting out all over in schools, in the media and via social media. A major reason why this might be is that our culture and systems have been very inadequate at picking up and dealing well with the neurodivergent among us. It is estimated nearly half of those in prison are neurodivergent. Half of those working for NASA are neurodivergent so there is hope in there being gifts that can be enjoyed and optimised by those who have them.
It is only since 2008 that females were considered as experiencing Autistic characteristics worthy of diagnosis and it is only since 2014 that autism and ADHD were considered as co-occurring.
So there is a lot of catching up going on.
Lockdowns presented an opportunity for the neurodivergent to experience the world differently and many of those I talk to found it an enormous relief to have their social exposure more limited and their recovery time extended.
An issue continues to be that the co-occurrence is not embraced in diagnosis and people can wait long periods to be diagnosed in one aspect while trying to deal with the experience of other categories. The current focus is on diagnosis occurring through a psychiatrist who were already in very short supply prior to this need surfacing so acutely.
So what to do with what are very real issues when systems and services are floundering to cope with the supports and understanding that are needed?
Lots can be gained in trying to take some of the stigma out of characteristics through finding others experiencing the same. This can be through podcasts, articles, meet up groups and researching on the internet, something several neurodivergent groups relish!
When I work with clients quite a bit of time is spent exploring and normalising characteristics as they are occurring now and how they may have been in the clients past. There is no shame in being who you are. Most problems seems to occur when there is no dialogue between a necessary activity and those needing adjustment to make lives less intense, tiring and more manageable.
In receiving training from Dr Tanya Banfield more and more reveals itself, including what is happening in Menopause when what might have been a lifetime of masking becomes more exhausting and impossible and characteristics erupt. Tanya also feels that Transactional analysis, the therapeutic modality I am trained in, is the one neurodivergents may prefer. The structure and logic appeal.
If there is information above speaking to you please get in touch. Perhaps talking through your experience will help.
The photo adjacent this blog is from the University of Birmingham The image illustrates the estimated prevalence of two neurodivergences. The blue section of each pie graph represents the likelihood of that condition being present with the primary diagnosis (listed down the left side). Gaps represent a lack of statistical understanding in these areas.
